Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lots of Work........

Recording and mixing an album is a lot of work! This is probably not news, but it keeps coming home as I constantly am tweaking the mix, improving the parts, and so on. I think I will simplify the title of the forthcoming sailing oriented CD to just The ICW Blues.

Wednesday evening is normally a Blue Island Beer Club adventure. This week, the World Series pre-empted the music at our local venue so we took the night off. I will be glad when the elections are over too. Hopefully normal life will resume. I am not a baseball fan per se but it would have been nice if our local team had won. The team had been pushing for a new stadium but as I watched the wet and cold game in Philadelphia, I kept thinking that if they were in St. Pete, the sun would have been shining, they would have been in a covered stadium with convenient ample parking, and the Rays would have probably won.

I am optimistic that the stock market and the economy in general has bottomed out and I have made a few moves with that in mind. Trying not to end up as a Walmart greeter.


1 comment:

Steve Robinson said...

Hey Colin,
a lot of work indeed. I like it when you tell someone that you've started work on a CD and when you bump into them a week later, they ask if it's finished.
Good luck with the blog and the new CD. Oh, and give Bruce a hug from me.
Cheers then,
Steve R.